Sexologist's office

A sexologist is a doctor who specializes in sexual dysfunctions that are not directly related to male or female genital disease or hormonal imbalance, but have a largely psychological basis.

Sexual problems can occur in any person at any stage of life. Often people with sexual disorders understandably avoid going to a doctor with their problem, keeping it quiet, hoping that it will resolve itself. This is fraught with dangerous consequences, as long-term ongoing unresolved sexual problems lead to deterioration of relationships in the couple, non-harmonious and irregular sex life adversely affects male and female health, can be formed mental disorders - depression and neurosis. That is why it is so important to timely contact a qualified specialist who will help to solve the problems that have arisen. Men are often concerned about the lack of erection and accelerated ejaculation, women - sexual coldness and lack of orgasm. There are often sexual disharmony in couples, when the desires and capabilities of partners do not correspond to each other. Experience shows that even the most severe and complex cases of sexual disorders are treatable with timely referral to a specialist. We guarantee anonymity, sensitivity and sensitivity to your problem. It should be remembered that sex is a couple's function, so it is advisable to seek treatment together with your partner.

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Treatment of sexual disorders is complex and includes medication, psychotherapy, behavioral sexual therapy, and physical procedures. A doctor’s appointment takes 45-50 minutes, which explains its rather high cost compared to consultations with other specialists. Diagnosis is carried out, the cause of the disorder is identified, if necessary, tests and consultations of related specialists are prescribed. Recommendations and “homework” are given, psychotherapeutic sessions are held (techniques are selected individually). Treatment time depends on the nature of the disorder and usually ranges from 1 to 5 sessions.

Just as no two people are exactly the same, no two cases are exactly the same. Each case is different, and only this approach can bring success in treating sexual dysfunction.

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